Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Fuel Price Increase >.<

There was this news yesterday that fuel price will increase again *sigh* And i thought that it was increased not long ago !! Furthermore, it will increase 78 cents this time, mind you !!! That's 41% according to the statistics from the news last night. An increase from RM 1.92 to RM 2.70 !!! Faint !! How are the people going to survive in future?? Some are already contemplating walking and cycling as alternatives. The prices will also increase dramatically for other things like groceries and all sorts.
And i heard that the petrol kiosks in my city are fully packed with cars wanting to fill up their petrol tanks and thus causing a massive traffic jam last night.

My brother Patrick from KL did MSN me to remind Mum to fill up her petrol tank but luckily Mum had already pumped petrol one day earlier and thus saving time queuing to pump petrol last night.

I also heard from my good friend just now that there will an increase in the price for electricity next month >.< Those electricity bills that exceed RM 44 will not be affected while those exceeded RM 44 will experience a whopping increase of 26% in their electricity bills. Didn't that sound like another daylight robbery?? Sigh...

Think i will walk and use fan for cooling purpose in future in order to save fuel and electricity....What do u think? Good idea ??? LOL

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